ShipCompliant Plugin by h2 Media Labs
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The seamless integration you’ve been waiting for between WordPress, WooCommerce and ShipCompliant is here! Integrating your e-commerce system with ShipCompliant enables you to take advantage of real time compliance checks, tax calculations, age verifications, and address validations. We do all the compliance work so you can focus on what's important — making wine. Our integrated solution is both affordable and flexible.

Single Winery (1 License)

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Winery Agency (5 Licenses)

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enterprise needs?

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The ShipCompliant Plugin is the missing link between WordPress and WooCommerce for alcoholic beverage sales and compliance checks.

shipcompliant wordpress woocommerce

ShipCompliant settings page


Our product is tightly integrated with both WooCommerce and Shipcompliant. We make it affordable to sell wine online by leveraging the open source power of WordPress and WooCommerce. At the same time it's a plug and play solution that is easy for anyone to implement.

Product Import and Export

Easily import products into WooCommerce directly from ShipCompliant or export the other way. We make it as easy as pushing a button to keep everything in sync.

ShipCompliant settings page

ShipCompliant checkout page


The plugin performs real time compliance checks before an order is placed. Age, addresses and state and local regulations are all verified during checkout. In addition, tax is calculated with accurate rates down to the city level.

Fulfillment & Shipping

If you are using any of the fulfillment or shipping services supported by ShipCompliant, this plugin takes care of the the data flow. No additional third party integrations are needed.
ShipCompliant Fulfillment and Shipping Partners

ShipCompliant settings page


The integration allows our wineries to add channels that immediately increase their sales, without compromising their compliance and reporting processes.Ron Scharman, COO of Chatterbox
It allows us to use a simple, affordable, content-driven ecommerce system that meets our needs, as well as the ability to spin up landing pages or microsites for marketing flexibility.Mike Weber, EVP at ONEHOPE Wine

About ShipCompliant

ShipCompliant is the leader in automated alcohol beverage compliance tools. With over 10 years experience, ShipCompliant provides wine and spirits suppliers and importers with a full suite of web-based software tools to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations for direct and wholesale distribution. ShipCompliant works with the industry’s leading software providers and fulfillment companies to provide fully integrated solutions for direct and three-tier distribution.

About Wordpress

Wordpress powers 23% of the internet. WordPress is the internet's leading Open Source platform, which means there are thousands of people all over the world working on it. (More than most commercial platforms.) It also means you are free to use it for anything from your cat’s home page to a Fortune 500 web site without paying anyone a license fee.

About WooCommerce

WooCommerce powers 18% of all eCommerce websites. What started in 2008 as 3 WordPress enthusiasts who met online, from 3 different countries, is now an international team of designers, developers and support ninjas catering for a passionate community of hundreds of thousands of users.

ShipCompliant is a trademark of Six88 Solutions, Inc. Wordpress is a trademark of the WordPress Foundation. WooCommerce is a trademark of Automattic. No affiliation or endorsement by Wordpress or WooCommerce is intended or implied. h2 Media Labs is a Gold Certified Integration Partner of ShipCompliant.